Kids and Families

We are passionate about seeing parents grow an everyday thriving faith together with their kids. We believe that having a relationship with Jesus is the greatest thing ever and that we can all help each other on that journey. We have a few different programs that happen during the week.

Tupu Kids is our Sunday morning program which is for kids of all ages. We also have Tupu play which runs on a Monday morning from 9:30-11am. For more information on the programs provided or any resources for children and families get in contact with Lou Nelson at

To check out our Health and Safety Child Protection Policy click the link below

Whakatane Baptist Youth

Whakatane Baptist Youth is a place for your teenager if they are currently attending High School or are in Year 9 to year 13.  A safe place to explore what it means to have a growing faith in God. Youth Group meets on Wednesday nights 6:30-8:30pm at 67 Keepa Rd. It is a space where all are welcome. For more information on Whakatane Baptist Youth and what they get up to check out their Facebook Page or Instagram.

Mainly Music

Mainly Music is a fun interactive music group for parents or primary caregivers to enjoy together with their 0-5-year-olds. It is an opportunity for adults and children to meet others, build memories and spend special time together. 

We meet every Thursday of the school term at 9:30 am. The 30-minute music session is followed by morning tea (provided) and play time.

For regular updates, see our Facebook Page.

Cost is $4 per child or $6 per family (first session free). Concession cards are also available. 

We look forward to having you join us.

Life Groups

We value community and often community is best found in smaller groups.  Our Life Groups are places of community and discipleship.  If you would like to be part of a Life Group please fill out this form and someone from the staff team will be in touch.